Never Sell Yourself Short – Book & Documentary

Never Sell Yourself Short: Josh has a medical condition called achondroplasia, a type of dwarfism that results in short limbs and short stature. As evidenced in this photo-essay, everyday living can be a challenge. However, with a confident attitude, supportive family and friends, and adjustments to physical surroundings, the teen is well adjusted and a school leader. The color photographs of him at home, at school, and at play are wonderful. Readers will find it heartening to see this young man so well integrated into all aspects of community life. The positive tone, the photos of successful adults with Josh’s condition, and a letter explaining dwarfism from the president of Little People of America show that, no matter what, the message “never sell yourself short” is for all of us.
Client: Albert Whitman & Company
Date: January 1, 2001
Resources: Little People of America
Buy Online:, Alibris, Barnes & Noble
Documentary "Never Sell Yourself Short"
In this Emmy Award winning documentary, Stephanie Riggs features achondroplasia – a common form of dwarfism. Little people face challenges in everyday life confronting things that many of us take for granted.
Parent Council Reviews
This photographic biography about a child who has dwarfism answers questions children might have about a little person. It also encourages the reader to see Josh as a person with gifts, interests, goals, and aspirations. This would be an excellent book for children who have a friend or family member with dwarfism; it is also a story that illustrates how courage can overcome physical limitations.

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